Sunday, 22 September 2013

Interview question on adutilities and others


For each utility three files are presented.
[applvision@apps bin]$ ls -ltrh adadmin adadminnew adadmin_wrapper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 applvision applmgr 9.2K Dec 31  2006 adadmin_wrapper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 applvision applmgr 9.2K Mar 27  2009 adadmin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 applvision applmgr 3.5M Mar 30  2009 adadminnew
[applvision@apps bin]$

First two files are wrapper files and both are same in size.

==>adadmin will internall call adadminnew
==>adadminnew is key executable which calls adadmin.

What happen if we lost adadminnew?

adadmin will not work.


[applvision@apps bin]$ mv adadminnew adadminnew_14sep2013
[applvision@apps bin]$ adadmin
sh: /apps/vision/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/adadminnew: No such file or directory
[applvision@apps bin]$

What we had to do if we lost adadminnew?

If we lost adadminnew we can recreate it by using

[applvision@apps bin]$ mv adadminnew adadminnew_14sep2013
[applvision@apps bin]$ adadmin
sh: /apps/vision/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/adadminnew: No such file or directory
[applvision@apps bin]$

Now fire the below command to recreate it.

$AD_TOP/bin/ force=y "ad admin adadmin"

NOTE: force=y indicates to check for all libraries.

if we lost and script.Is it possible to regenrate it?

Both are the shell scripts.Its not possible to regenerate it.
we need to copy it from other server.

How can we generate env file?

BY using adadmin
Choose Maintain Applications file menu.
Create application environment file
Above is applicable in 11i and in R12 i don't see this option.
Run autoconfig.

if we lost dbc,can we recreate it?
Yes ,we can re create dbc file.
To generate dbc file run autoconfig(OR) Execute script.

Form where fmx is generated?

All the executable for forms are generated from fmb files.
cd $AU_TOP/forms/US.

Using adadmin is it possible to relink ad product?
No,we cannot do it using

what is the configuration file of adutilities?
adconfig.txt which is located at $APPL_TOP/admin.

How oracle will know some adadmin session is running or not?

It will know from restart file.

cd $APPL_TOP/admin/$SID/restart

If rf9 is there,it assumes that some adutilities are running.
if any adadmin session failed then we restart adadmin session then it will read the information from restart file.

can we use adadmin in non-interactive mode?
Yes,we can use it using addefaultsfile.

Which adutlilty will not create table in the database?
adident utility will not create table in the dataabase.

Why we need to generate JAR files?

For certain patches,post patch activity.
During upgradation of oracle apps.

We can generate jar files in two ways.
Normal generation
it will generate missing or out of date jar files.

Force generation
Force generation will generate all jar files.

What we had to do if we lost forms binary file?
Copy the binary file from another server.

What is the default form when we launch oracle application form?

It is located in $FND_TOP/forms/US

What is the executable file when we are regenerating the forms?
in Oracle apps 11i f6ogen and in r12 frmcmp_batch.

What is the executable file when we are regenerating message files?
FNDMDGEN.FMX which is located at $FND_TOP/bin

What is the executable when we are regenerating reports?
rwcon60 in oracle application 11i.

How can we generate dbc file?
By running auto config.
By executing file which is located at $COMMON_TOP/admin/install/$CONTEXT_NAME
and in R12 $INST_TOP/install/


  1. Assalam bhai,
    Great ho WASIQ bhai,May ALLAH increase my brothers knowledge.

  2. Walaikum as salaam bhai,
    Allah is the greatest .
    Aameen .
    Thank you for visiting my blog ..

  3. Assalamualailkum bhai,,, Very good notes, lot to learn

  4. Assalam bhai,
    Your notes is very good.
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