Real Time Scenarios

1)Need to set the variable in the utl_file dir we have the entry in the production database 'Prod'
but we cannot find the entry  in the develepment instnace 'DEV'.

Please add this path (/db/vision/temp) in utl_file_dir parameter.

2)Please enable primary and secondary archiving.
Please enable primary archiving to this location /db/arch1 and secondary archive location to /opt/arch2.Please switch logfile to ensure archive are generated in both the location.

3)Please help to find the version of java/forms/pl sql/apache/workflow and jre version in
R12 ebstest instance.
How to check java/forms/pl sql/apache/workflow and jre version In oracle application R12 ?

4)R12 Applications shows a blank page.

5)Please terminate/kill the request as we are unable to cancel it from front end .Below is the request id.
35853542 .
Click here to see in details !!!

6)Please provide Output of the script cstcheck.sql need to upload to oracle.

7)provide output of the script rcv11i_sa.sql.

8)please run the LPN diagnostic script - 
WMSCheckLPN.sql, for the problem/corrupted License Plate Number( LPN ) and upload the output.
Refer to Note 298052.1 for instructions and Licence Plate Number is H031923018.

9)we are getting the following error unable to extent segment 128 and attached the screen shot.
Read more on this link !!!

10)ERP test instance login page showing blank.
Click on this  !!

11)please compile the attached form and take the backup exisiting form.

12)We have moved the code to the server ,please bounce the apache server and clear cache.

13)(MWA)Telnet is not working on the below port 10420.
   Click here to see it !!!!!!

14)We have move the code to the server in order to reflect it ,please take
bounce of mwa(telnet) server.

15)Concurrent Manager is showning inactive nomanager.
Pleaser resolve it as we are stuck in the testing.
Click on the below link to watch it.

16)Compile invalid objects.

17)Execute the attached  script with apps schema in the 'dev'  HTMsome11i.sql
Click on this link to watch in details

18)DBA team please kill the concurrent request 24567891  as we are unable to terminate from front end.
Click here to see in details

19)Mobile server (telnet) is not running,plesae make it up.

20)Programs are failing with the error 128 segments are left in the temp tablespace.
Unable to get segments,please add/resize a datafile.Click o the below link to see in details
How to add a datafile.

21)Provide output of the script APListh.sql?

22)Please execute poxrespo.sql in ebsdev instance which is located at $PO_TOP/sql?

23)Please find the Tech component version we have to upload to oracle
To Check The Techstack Component Versions (Forms, Http Server, JDK, Framework, Database, etc) [ID 601736.1]

24)Please bounce OPMN Services bounce in ebsdev instance?

57)Please execute the attached script OLTP_9.SQL and provide output of the file.

58)Getting the following error while opening the form  ORA_00600

59)Getting the follwing error until arachived freed ORA-25701

60) (ERP DATA FIX/Please execute the below steps in apps schema.

Take backup of the table and fire update statement and commit it.

 create table emp_bkp as select * from emp where emp_id in(101,102);

 update emp set sal=500000 where emp_d in(101,102);

In realtime we have different tables/schema's for example purpose i have menioned it.

61) Please export two tables emp,dept from scott schema.

62)Please export scott schema.
51)please run the attached script in scott schema and mail to my sso.
63)Hi Team
Please execute the follwing attach file in following order 
1) Unzip the attached folder
2) run the
3) run the

55)create database link.

29)Provide mobile configuration file from this path $MWA_TOP/secure/mwa.cfg.

31)Please enable the trace for mobile server (telnet) mwa.LogLevel=trace in this mwa.cfg file.
Restart the mobile server.Once mobile server bounce will do transaction from our side
and please provide below logfiles as we have to sumbit the logfiles to oracle.
<port no>.system.log
<port no>.INV.log
<port no>.wip.LOG

9)Need to enable trace for workflow mailer in test instance.
19)Increase telnet (MSCA) session timedout from 5mins to 10mins.

20)Need tns entries from production.

21)Package is showing inavlid and attached is the screen shot.Please compile the package manually using alter cmd.

22)Forms are not opening in prod qa instance .

46)Generate awr report for last two days.

47)Need jsp(oracleasis.jsp) file from prod qa instance from the below mention location.

cd $COMMON_TOP/webapps/oacore/html/oracleasis.jsp

48)Need backup of the binaries from prodcution as we have to start the clone .
43)Request is in pending status from long time.

44)Please provide tkprof for this request id 147952920

49)we are unable to open the forms and getting the error 92050 screen shot is attached.

26)Provide mailer logfile that was created jan 22,2012

ls -ltrh FNDCPGSC*.TXT|tail

11)Please run the attached script in production instance apscheck.sql.

12)Workflow mailer is not running in development instance,please make it up ASAP.
4)Move the attahed package to the specified location and execute the package in apps schama.

5)Need total no of objects there in the develpment and prodution.

6)/export/home is 100% Please release some space.

1)Provide output of the script HTMomse12.sql.

2)Provide output of $FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql file.
7)please move the attached Authenticate.jsp file to the $OA_HTML .
clear  the cache and bounced the apache.

13)Please run the attached shell script from $JAVA_TOP and bounce apache server.

14)unable to access the application in development instance.Please bring it up as we stuck up in the middle of the activity.

15)Please migrate the attached RDF file to test instance in the below location

cd $PO_TOP/reports/US

16)Provide output of $FND_TOP/sql/wfstat.sql

when we opened the forms.Please do the needfull.
36)Need rdf  file from production from the below mention path.
cd $AU_TOP/reports/filename.rdf

37)Please provide package code from production.

38)Please provide the version .pls file.

39)We are doing testing please increase the size of SGA FROM 4G TO 6G.

40)please provide the verison  TmpFile.class file.

41)Please provide ouput files fpr the below request id's.
147952920 and 147953130.

65) Need error_log and access_log files located under the path $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache

66)Provide dbg file ./l1090578.dbg from this location $APPLCSF/temp

               General Apps dba practicle things
69)How to find OPP log and current maximum Java heap size?
Click on the below link to see.

70)how to check OATM enabled or not?
Click on below link to see more.

You will get request from business to change the forms to socket mode?
Servlet to socket mode conversion

How can we change the location of conc manager logfiles $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG?

How to drop and recreate TEMP Tablespace in Oracle ?

How to add a resposiblity from back end?When you don't have access to front end?

EBS Release Roadmap!!!

How to apply a patch in oracle ebs R12?

How to find apps password in oracle apps r12 (or) retrive apps password in r12?

How to find sysadmin password in oracle apps r12?

What does APPLCSF stand for ?

How can we change the location of conc manager logfiles $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG?

Rolling Back an AutoConfig Session.


How to find deprecated parameters in Oracle?

As part of the preclone what files need to be backup?

How to find OPP log and current maximum Java heap size?

To compile the jsp as soon as you access jsp page

How to you know the product versions,patchset level?

How to enable archive log in RAC?

         Oracle Apps Research & Development.

You have removed the patch log directoy which contains adworker's log and patch log files.How do you re create it?

you have shutdown database .Someone came and deleted controlfile. When you start the database you got the error saying controlfile missing. Now what you will do?

What happens when you run autoconfig when the middle tier service are up and running?

How can we generate env file if we lost?

How to validate the dbc file in oracle apps?

You have removed the patch log directoy and what happens when you fire adpatch? Will patch get succeed or error out?

How to bounce apache and clear cache in oracle apps 11i on sunsolaris operating system?

What happens when we apply LINUX patch on sun solaris operating system?

Database is up and running,You start the database again then what happens.?

What happens when you killed pmon process?   ==>Instance is terminated for more please click on this link.

If we lost,, and scripts.How can we re generate it?

If we lost file?Can we able to run autoconfig.

If we lost dbc file.How can we re generate it?

You have shutdown the Concurrent manager,Your juniour dba deleted the FNDLIBR executable. What happens when you start the concurrent manager?will CM come up (or) error out.

Rebuild/Re create context file in oracle apps R12.

if we lost and script. How can we genrate it?


  1. Abdul please write the answers for the above questions.

  2. Hi Buyyani,

    You will find almost all answers to the questions which I mentioned in my blog
    just you need to search it .

    will write the answers shortly which i did not write.

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog!!!!!!

  3. Hi guys,

    We are trying a DR Drill , and the standby database for the primary has been opened in Read Write Mode.
    We have copied the Application Tier Directories from source to target.
    What steps do we need on Db Tier and Apps Tier to start the EBS instance on target?

  4. Hi Abdul bhai,i'm a new to oracle apps dba field,can you please tell me the steps to trouble shoot if a concurrent request is taking too much time that yesterday

    Please give me a link where i can find real time performence tunning answers

