1)By default form server is running socket mode in oracle application 11i and in R12 forms are running in Servlet mode.
Dedicated connection between client and server.
less secure
more network traffic.
High load on the server.
more secure
less network traffic
less load on the server
2)in Oracle Apps 11i we use to apply patches on 806/817 home using patch.sh script where as in R12 we use to apply using opatch.
3)INST TOP is introduce in Oracle Application 12.1.3 where all the configuration files,dbc file and port files are kept.
4)When form server is running in socket mode we can grep the process using ps -ef|grep -i frmweb and when it is running in servlet mode we can grep process using
ps -ef|grep -i http.
5)Report server is obsolete in Oracle Application 12.1.3 and running via concurrent manager.
6)After changing apps password through FNDCPASS it doesnot require to run AUTOCOFNIG or change some property or configuration file in R12 where as in oracle application
we do perform this task.
7)In ad_bugs table language column has been added to identified NLS patches has been applied to system.
8)We will compile forms in oracle application 11i using f60gen and where as in R12 we do compile using frmcmp_batch.
Jserver was build on c and c++ language and it is not compitable to run fusion middleware type of applications thus oracle removed this application server in R12.
OC4J was a product of a company a called orion flare.
Oracle bought and renamed to OC4J (Oracle Container for Java) which is compitable to run Fusion
Middleware types of application.
Hope , you enjoyed reading the difference between oracle application 11i and R12.
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